Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'm tired

Just like the rest of you guys with your finals and stuff; I'm tired. But I'm not tired of studying, because I don't do any of that. In fact, I'm tired of never studying. I'm tired of always just "getting by." I'm tired of telling myself "good enough." I'm tired of others looking at me as if I am nothing. I'm tired of pretending it doesn't hurt. I'm tired of letting others put me down. I'm tired of surrounding myself with people that will bring me down. I'm tired of always being the nice guy. I'm tired of stating the obvious. I'm tired of lying. I'm tired of being your clown. I'm tired of being your doormat. I'm tired of saying "it's okay." I'm tired of feeling hopeless. I'm tired of never getting any help. I'm tired of people telling me "it could be worse." I'm tired of my lack of optimism. I'm tired of letting things get the best of me. I'm tired of constantly running through hoops. I'm tired of blaming it on bad luck. I'm tired of complaining. I'm tired of wishing. I'm tired of dreaming. I'm tired of hoping. I'm tired of keeping everything bottled up inside. I'm tired of not having anyone to talk to. I'm tired of being tired.

Where is my relief?


  1. tired - Adele ... it's a sick tune.. she's got a sick smokersvoice kinda finda..

  2. your relief will come when you finally decide to take a step rather than just stick around and wait for something to happen or change. because things dont just change, just by sitting around. if not, youre gonna be tired for the longrun. if you dont want people to put you down, or walk all over you - then do something about it.

  3. very agree with the person above me! its a step realizing that you're tired of all those things. in fact. thats the hardest part. now the easy (actually its not that easy but still doable) part is to change something about it! anyways. im here to talk. why r u telling james that i get mad at you. i was mad at him on friday. hahaharhar. anyways! yes. your relief is doing the things you like. aka basketball i know. and being with the people you like. (:

  4. where is your relief? in jesus.

    haaaaaaaaaa. but seriously.

    and alex, you're still young.
    when you hit 30 and if you still think this way, that might be a problem.

    and you're not incompetent.
